Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Facebook & Cambridge Analytica: Pillow Talk

There has been a complete misuse, abuse, and lack of integrity on Facebook's part in terms of holding up their end of the deal in their user-agreement terms. Tens of millions of users' private data has been put at risk, making facebook less of a safe space for people to engage in, and reap the networking benefits of social media altogether. Instead, now, people have to worry about a company such as Facebook, with such a gargantuan database in terms of user personal info, data, etc, selling off their personal information for monetary gain, rather than prioritizing their users' safety and peace of mind. Not only was this shocking news to most people, but the news felt more like a stab in the gut after it was revealed that Facebook executives have known about this misuse of information/resources since 2015. For four years. 

"The document, a recordof correspondence among Facebook employees, suggests both the SEC and Zuckerberg are right: Employees requested an investigation and began an investigation into "possible 'scraping"' in September. But they did not learn that Kogan had sold the data to Cambridge Analytica and violated Facebook policy until the story went public in December 2015."


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